HONO | Connection -  A monthly membership of connection, community, nurturing & learning. STARTS: July 11 2024, then every 2nd Thursday of the month

Whare Rongoā

Hono | Community: $22 wk or pay 4 mths in full - Starting July 11 2024



STARTS: Thursday 11th July then every 2nd Thursday of the month

A monthly membership of connection, community, nurturing and learning.

"In today's busy world what we are often seeking is hono (authentic connection) iwi (tribe) and hapori (commonUnity) Not only that but we need and desire tapu or safe sacred spaces to share, connect, heal and learn, spaces which embody trust, integrity, unity and safety. Spaces where it is safe to explore, safe to feel, safe to be meet ourselves wherever we are at and be held by community who are doing the same”

Enter into the portal of HONO.

A curated safe space whose intention is to weave and hold an aligned community, magnitised together by its calling for deep listening, truth speak, nurture and Aroha.

"Let the Karanga call from the Tui, a messenger from the highest realms be received within the depths of your heart and knowing”

Journey with us, discover soul initiations, deep listening, connection to your tribe and allow each monthly attunement to deconstruct limiting beliefs whilst nurturing your authentic essence Enter the light.

In this space Authenticity Integrity Tika and Pono are the pou that hold us.

Within this space you are safe
Safe to explore
Safe to be held
Safe to receive
Safe to be seen

Nau mai e te kahui whetu

*Please note the subscription is for a minimum of 4 months, to receive the most benefit from this community.

SKU: 10000-4

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