HONO | Connection -  A monthly membership of connection, community, nurturing & learning. STARTS: July 11 2024, then every 2nd Thursday of the month

Chelita Kahutianui-o-te-Rangi Zainey

(Waitaha; Ngāpuhi; Ngāti Kahu; Ngāti Haua; Lebanese; Scottish; Irish)

Through the reclamation of her whakapapa and ancestral gifts, Chelita is an established practitioner of the Māori Healing Arts including Mirimiri, Rongoā Māori, Hau Tapu Breathwork, Matakite, and Taonga Pūoro. She works as a conduit and channel for Ngā Mareikura o Waitaha – the Grandmothers of the Waitaha Nation. Chelita has been a practitioner, Teacher, Guide, and Mentor for over a decade.

Chelita is a Certified Trauma Informed Breathwork Facilitator trained by Owaken Breathwork and is now traveling the world sharing her medicine.

CHRISTCHURCH - Sun 14th July 2023, 11:11 am

Featured Healing Services

In-Person Group, Ōtautahi | Christchurch, Weekly - 8 wks

Online Group, Monthly - 3 mths


Online 1:1 Divine Guidance, Akashic Records


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